
How to Overcome Baldness

One of the biggest fears men are bald. This is why how to resolve baldness to be one topic of interest for some men. Statistics show that nearly 40% of men will lose some hair at the age of about 35 years, and it will continue to increase by 65% ​​in men aged 60 years and older. The most common form of hair loss is due to baldness, or also known as alopecia.

One cause of hair loss that occurs in men is genetic or hereditary, which can be transmitted from one generation to the next. Another cause of baldness is testosterone, which is the primary male sex hormone that regulates sex drive in men. Due to certain factors, hormones are converted into di-hydro-testosterone (DHT), which play a role in men's shed hair. If the scalp has high levels of DHT, it causes hair follicles to shrink so the hair becomes thinner and continues to be slim.

Although hair loss is a fairly common condition experienced by men, it can be very traumatic. Especially when baldness occurs at a young age. Male baldness begins when hair down and then scalp began to appear. This can lead to negative effects in some people and may affect them in their daily lives. However, it is important to learn how to cope with hair loss right in the shortest possible time to avoid total hair loss.

Natural Medicine:

1. Almond, it is important to consume almonds, because almonds are a good source of protein and contains a lot of iron and vitamin E. Almonds also help reduce cholesterol. Eating a handful of almonds a day can help fight baldness.

2. Oranges are also good in preventing hair loss in men of all ages. Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C contribute to hair growth.

3. Fish. Eating fish is also a good solution to combat hair loss, leading to baldness. Fish contain lots of vitamin A and B-6, essential fatty acids and proteins that help keep hair healthy.

4. Soy is also known to reduce hair loss. Soy contains large amounts of iron, which plays a role in producing hemoglobin. Production of hemoglobin allows the flow of oxygen to tissues. Without this, the hair will not grow.

5. Finally, drink plenty of water. Drink at least 8 glasses a day can make your own scalp and hair better.


How to Quickly Treat Hepatitis B

Understanding Hepatitis B hepatitis type B disease is categorized as infectious diseases, including infectious diseases and dangerous. This type of Hepatitis B in the category of acute or chronic hepatitis. Hepatitis type B can cause inflammation and damage to liver cells, the virus is able to survive and persist in the body, so it is a chronic and potentially further damage the liver tissue slowly. Finally, the liver is damaged, shrink, and harden (cirrhosis) or liver cancer arises. Indonesia, including the endemic strain of hepatitis B (HBV). Every 100 people, an estimated 2-10 people infected by hepatitis B, particularly in the province of West Nusa Tenggara and provinces in eastern Indonesia. Not only Indonesia, was China and the countries of Southeast Asia including Indonesia is a country with high endemicity of hepatitis B infection, that is, every 100 people there are eight were positive for hepatitis type B. so the disease type of hepatitis is a disease that must carefully watch can be said as one of the terms of hepatitis B.


-Experiencing pegel-pegel and sore muscles.
-Mild fever
-Often experience nausea.
-Experiencing yellowish whites of the eyes, nails and skin.
-The urine turns brownish color like tea.
-Rapid loss of appetite.
-Easy to lose weight drastically.
-Often experience vomiting.
-Experiencing diarrhea.
-Often experience pain in the upper right abdomen.
-Often had malaise and less vibrant.
-Experience itching.
-Have an enlarged blood vessels.
-Easy to experience fatigue.
-Sugar levels become low.
-Decreased sex drive.
-Often experience depression.


a. Air seminal fluid (semen).
b. Saliva.
c. Having more than one sex partner.
d. Having a job that relates to body fluids
e. Dentist
f. Blood transfusion.
h. Vaginal fluid.
i. Injected drugs in particular by sharing needles.
j. Homosexual.
k. Nurse
l. Having sex with someone who is infected with hepatitis B or with people who are
m. carrier of Hepatitis B.

How to quickly treat hepatitis B with jelly gamat Luxor has proved very successful and can be proved by exposure ilmiah.Cara treat hepatitis B with jelly gamat luxor proven alternative medicine, natural, herbal, and traditional best.

According to the doctor contacted Hariadi Poster explaining the content of collagen in sea cucumbers have the ability to cure hepatitis-B quickly. That is because the cucumbers are able to regenerate cells briefly. According to the doctor graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Diponegoro, gamat an organic supplement. Therefore, absorption in the body was going better and does not cause side effects.

The same thing is explained Dr. Merlyn in Surabaya. Hepatitis is caused by a virus within 6 months from the infected become acute. If left up to 6 months to be chronic. The virus enters the liver cells and liver cells gradually destroy it. Gamat helps improve liver function indirectly. Moreover, supported by a nutritious diet and adequate rest, making the proliferation of the virus can be prevented.

How to Eliminate Blackheads On Nose Quickly

Blackheads are formed when excess oil being trapped in the pores. Dead skin cells, sunscreen, makeup and heavy moisturizers can also block the skin's natural oils, clog pores and make them oh-so-frustrating stains. The exposure to air it turns out little balls of black oil. Although it may seem like a blackhead is a part of life, there are things you can do to clean your pores. With patience and healthy habits, you can have a smooth-looking, evenly toned nose.

Skin Care Rules for Blackheads

To help manage your acne, you should keep your skin clean. To get rid of blackheads on my nose, chin, or anywhere in the face, you should do less. First, make sure you wash your face twice a day. Using a facial cleanser with salicylic acid can help to manage oily skin. After cleansing use a toner to remove excess oil. Distilled witch hazel, which is a natural substance, it is better to pull out the oil and remove impurities.

It is still important to moisturize your skin as part of your daily regimen. I recommend an oil-free moisturizer formulated with natural ingredients. Use a very small amount. Also, do not be afraid to switch to a new product if you feel like your moisturizer is too heavy or can contribute to stains.

In addition to daily cleaning, toning and moisturizing to keep the skin clean, to remove excess oil and prevent the skin from drying out, you need to exfoliate and use a deep cleansing mask if you really want to get rid of blackheads on the nose problem. Use a face scrub to help remove dead skin cells that can block the pores of oil two to three times a week. Use a deep pore cleansing mask at least once a week. A clay facial mask is suitable for managing oily skin and blackheads.

How to Treat Blackheads on Nose

In addition to skin care habits are very good and healthy diet, what else can you do for your skin? If you feel comfortable, try to use the blackhead remover manual on your nose. Consider treating yourself to an occasional deep cleansing facial. Choose skin care products that is suitable for your skin. No matter how tempted you are, do not try to take away blackheads by squeezing them with your fingertips!


Natural Ways to Cope With Swollen Gums

Swollen gums otherwise be noticed by quickly, it can cause inflammation of the throat and appetite can be lost due to this disease. Thus the factor of oral hygiene is always constantly on guard.
Swollen gums will cause pain constantly and need help dentists to cope. But you also can overcome the swollen gums with traditional home treatments are natural.

Here are 7 natural ways to cope with swollen gums:

-Gargling with warm salt water.
Gargling with warm water can help reduce pain in both the gums and throat. This assistance can only reduce the pain for a few hours, so you should rinse again if the gums back ache. Mix salt in warm water because the salt is the most common substance used for rinsing. After gargling with salt water, always rinse your mouth with fresh water.
-Use natural homemade mouthwash.
You can prepare yourself at home mouthwash to treat sore gums. Use water with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide or baking soda for a natural mouthwash. Gargle with this mixture can prevent gum disease. Do this several times a day to prevent the production and dissemination of bacteria in the mouth.
-Drink more water.
Drink water in greater numbers so that the mouth can produce more saliva as well. In addition to working in the digestive function of saliva can kill bacteria in the mouth. Drinking water will also cleanse the mouth of bacteria by itself. So, frequently drinking water when gums are sick.
-Massaging the gums.
Dark chocolate or capsule of vitamin E can be used to massage to relieve sore gums. Massage the sore gums using a clean finger. Rub the gums in a circular motion from the beginning of the gum line. By giving massages the gums, blood circulation will increase and can aid in healing.
-Diet modification.
Prevent pain in the gums to avoid eating foods that stick to the gums and plaque can build, such as white bread. Instead choose foods that are high in vitamin C, such as fresh vegetables and fruits. Changes in diet can naturally soothe gums, especially if it contains a lot of vitamins that are good for healing and nutritional health.
-Brushing your teeth regularly.
Use medium bristle brush to brush your teeth regularly twice a day. Dn oral dental hygiene can improve gum health.
-Applying clove oil.
Clove oil is a traditional medicine is popular for treating gum infections. Apply the gums are swollen with a little black pepper to help ease it.

Tips for Visible Skin Bright and Healthy

Tips for Visible Skin Bright and Healthy - In addition to being factors that affect a person's appearance and self confidence, skin also to function as a protector of the body from the sun directly on your internal organs. In addition it also affects the image of a person's skin. No matter if you are white, brown, black, brown, though, someone who regularly care for themselves and the cleanliness of the body will be reflected in his performance, including the skin of the face and other limbs. Therefore, it is important to care for your body and your skin.

In the book Healthy Teens written by Michael F. Roizen MD mentioned that the most effective way to avoid maintaining skin health in order to avoid unhealthy skin is in the following ways:

-Eating a balanced healthy diet and proper.
-Run healthy lifestyle to maintain cleanliness and adequate rest.
-Reduce dependence on drugs - drugs that are chemically.
-Another factor that is equally important is to wash your face is diligent to clean the dirt and bacteria that attach to the skin.
-Use sun-block or sunscreen if you want to travel out and should be in direct contact with sunlight.

It is also important to realize that with diligent cleaning your face with a face wash is not a guarantee because you need to know what kind of face washing soap that suits your face. It is recommended to use soap facial wash has a pH balanced so good for the skin. Ensure you do not miss using a moisturizer on the skin to give a fresh flavor and moisten the skin to maintain softness.


How to Prevent Cystic Diseases

How to prevent cystic diseases by knowing what causes the cyst, the cyst must find the cause of the disease to prevent disease cystic easier you avoid its appearance in your life. Cyst disease is a dangerous disease for women with cystic disease is certainly a scourge for women.

Cysts are lumps found on the ovaries, cysts containing a viscous fluid. Cystic disease in addition comprises a single lumps sometimes may be formed as wine. In addition to containing fluid, the cyst can be filled with air, pus and other material.

Cyst is a kind of benign tumors include tumors of the ovary contained a membrane wrapped like a network. Set apart cyst tumor cells from normal tissue found in the surrounding area and does not spread to other areas. Therefore cyst disease is easily removed with surgery because it is benign.

Cause of these cysts disease other than heredity, cysts can occur due to air pollution and dust. Decreased resistance to environmental conditions resulting from pollution can trigger cyst disease. Additionally cyst may arise due to an unhealthy lifestyle and eating some types of foods that are high in fat. The content of fat consumed daily can increase the high levels of the hormone testosterone, which can lead to the emergence of these cysts.

The symptoms caused by emerging diseases such as cystic usually at excessive menstrual pain. Lower stomach pain, often feel the urge to defecate and small. If the cyst has grown palpable certainly feels like a lump in the abdomen. And if the cyst ruptures the pain that would be inflicted torture once.

An easy way to prevent these cysts is to start adopting a healthy lifestyle and keep your femininity area. Regular exercise and eating foods rich in vitamins that the body well enough to be a necessity for the body to have more endurance and protected from various kinds of diseases. We recommend that you regularly consult the gynecologist, especially if symptoms are perceived as symptomatic cyst disease emergence.

How to treat a cyst would have to do surgery to remove the cyst. In addition to the surgical removal of the cyst, you can also cure the cysts by eating tomatoes can reduce cyst growth. In addition to consuming tomatoes to treat your cysts also can make a potion that can cure the cysts by using natural ingredients.

Traditional medicine to cure a cyst that you can use is to use Traditional Medicine Prescription cyst.
Take a handful of tea leaves and stem parasites mix of fresh bitter leaves 10 and a size of a marble jadam arab and add ground white measuring 3 fingers.

How to make a potion trdaisional cyst disease:

Clean the white ground and peeled and thinly sliced, boiled with other ingredients mixed into 5 cups of water and stir gently to the boil and the remaining 3 cups. Lift then strain before drinking. Take this medicine traditional cysts after eating 3 times a day with the size of a drink as much as ½ cup.

Once you take a traditional herb for treating cystic disease, there are some things that you should abstain from the consumption of food or beverages. During the period of treatment should avoid eating fish both freshwater fish and saltwater fish or some other kind of sea food like crabs and shrimp. Avoid foods that taste spicy, fatty foods, cabbage, jackfruit and avoid the consumption of tea and coffee as well as alcoholic beverages. Avoid doing heavy work so that abdominal pressure. Avoid stress and anger.


Natural Ways to Overcome Diabetes

Symptoms of diabetes

Before discussing more about the natural way to overcome diabetes, here are some symptoms:
1. Urinate more often, especially at night,
2. Ate intensity increases as always feel hungry
3. easy thirst
4. Always sleepy too often exhausted
5. The view is reduced
6. Weight loss
7. The feet and hands so often feel itchy and tingly
8. There are restrictions in body movement and coordination
9. Always dizziness and nausea nausea

Those are some of the symptoms of people suffering from diabetes, if you happen to experience the above, you should immediately consult your sugar levels, because who knows your diabetes.

Natural Ways to Overcome Diabetes

If any member of your own family or sentenced to suffer from diabetes, then immediately do a natural way to overcome diabetes following:
1. Exercise regularly, at least once a week
2. Adjust diet
3. Expand eat grains and nuts
4. Keep it ideal weight
5. Avoid consumption of sugar, if you still want to use any sweetener without sugar
6. Not too much consumption of foods containing high animal fat
7. If you are an active smoker, you should immediately stop these practices
8. Do not drink alcoholic beverages

Those are some natural ways to overcome diabetes. In addition to the above ways, you should consult a doctor to analyze the development of diabetes experienced. In order to know more precisely the next step.
People with diabetes who do not take precautions and treatment will suffer injuries to the hands or feet that are difficult to heal, even the longer the wound will fester. So this does not happen, you should take care to stay healthy with a healthy lifestyle.
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