
The Traditional Way Eliminate Bad Breath

The traditional way eliminate bad breath.

1. betel

Betel good tackle bad breath, then use to fight odor in the mouth. The way leaves are then washed in water use seized about 1.5 cups. After that, allow unregistered boiling water turns cold, and use it to rinse after brushing your teeth.

2. clove

Take about 3 or 5 cloves of interest. Then pour in enough water and boil for about 5 minutes. After that, allow to cool, and boiled water you use for rinsing.

How common eliminate bad breath.

1. Toothbrush.

Diligent toothbrush of course, make sure you brush your teeth clean and evenly. Brush the tongue are also at least 2 times a day, to clean food debris and bacteria are still attached.

2. Clean the mouth by gargling after meals.

After eating do not forget to clean your teeth, as this is very important as a toothbrush. Moreover, it can reduce tooth decay. For example, by rinsing.

3. The mouth is always wet.

Dry mouth in addition to making the odor also trigger the development of bacteria in the mouth. So make sure that your mouth is always alkaline. Drink water or chew gum, thereby stimulating the production of saliva and oral moisture, also remove the bacteria.

And no less important is to make sure you eat healthy besides bad breath does not make the amount of food left over and stuck.

That is the traditional way and generally eliminate bad breath.

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