
How to Eliminate Fat Cheeks

Having chubby cheeks or often referred to as chubby does look very cute for many people. But for those who have the cheek is sometimes felt annoyed and wanted to play down their cheeks. Chubby cheeks could be caused by two factors are inborn or there are also a lot of fat in the cheeks. The second factor is the factor most likely to occur in people and make people look fatter. You have chubby cheeks should not worry, because there is no way to lose fat in the cheeks without having plastic surgery,

One way to eliminate fat in the cheeks in a natural way is to live a healthy life. Chubby cheeks are not only owned by people who are obese, but also thin people. To get rid of the fat on your cheeks, then you need to live healthy with exercise and eating healthy foods as well. This method is not instant and takes a long time. But over time, the fat in your cheeks will be gone and you can look thinner. With a healthy lifestyle, you not only eliminate your chubby cheeks, but also maintain the health of your body. Another factor of the cheek fat is overweight. This is often experienced by people in the world and it can be removed by diet or lose weight. So how to lose fat in the cheeks can be done by reducing your food portions become smaller. Keeping portions of food and food consumed can help you reduce the fat in your body, including in the cheek.

How to lose fat in the cheeks can also be done by drinking water as much as possible. Drinking mineral water a day as much as 8x not only get rid of the fat in the cheeks but can also refresh the skin as a teenager. To maximize your efforts, consume watery fruits as well as watermelon, melon or papaya. By consuming water and fruits you will not only keep your body's health, but also increase the amount of water in your body. Consuming foods rich in calcium is also a way to lose fat in the cheeks naturally. According to a reliable source, calcium can reduce and eliminate water retention in the body, including fat in your cheeks.

Perhaps many people do not realize, but how to get rid of fat on the other cheek is to avoid too much salt. Salts in the body will help retain fluid in the body. The body does require a lot of fluids, but if the amount is excessive, it will make the body look more plump. Besides eliminating fat in the cheeks is to avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Smoking can spend a supply of vitamins, especially vitamin C in the body. Though vitamn C produce elastin and collagen berfungsu to mengkendurkan face so as not to look too fat. By drinking too much alcohol, the liver will detoxify too much so it can not perform other functions, one of which is the metabolism of fat. So if you drink too much, then the process will not be smooth fat metabolism causing weight gain. So the key to getting a lean cheeks and healthy is to consume a healthy diet and doing regular exercise.

How to Make Sharp Nose Naturally

Nose is a dream for everyone, be it male or female. By having a sharp nose, felt more confident as a person adds to the attraction. Many ways to make sharp nose taken, even to choose the path of surgery only to get a sharp nose. Indeed, the results are very fast, but keep in mind, how to make sharp nose surgery is not without risk. A lot of risk behind the plastic surgery, yes if the operation is successful, if it failed? instead become more erratic shape of her nose.

All parts of our body is a gift from the Creator, so you do not have to feel insecure or not confident if it has a less sharp nose. But for those of you who want to make sharp nose without surgery

How to make sharp nose

How to make sharp nose contouring techniques

Contouring technique or techniques provide shade is one way make sharp nose popular among builders make up artist. Contouring technique does not make you a sharp nose, but it makes your nose seems to be sharp. Interested? the following way:

-Place your index finger in the middle of your nose vertically. The nose is not covered finger is the part that will be the shadow
-Asleep with the eyeshadow section of your nose was not covered finger. Preferably with a thin asleep.
-Lift your finger, and kept asleep the nose is not closed until the last finger eyebrows.

How to make sharp nose by pinching the nose

Actually, the nasal bone is bone cartilage. By pulling, nose slowly grow following the last pull. How? How to make sharp nose clamp technique is very easy to do. You just need mencepit your nose with your thumb and forefinger and gently pulled every day. Perform this technique every day routine after waking up for about 5 minutes.

How to make sharp nose Naturally

For those of you who are not familiar with how to make sharp nose above, perhaps the result will be less than the maximum. Well, for those of you who do not want to have nose surgery to the road, maybe some way make sharp nose naturally above is worth a try.


The Traditional Way Eliminate Bad Breath

The traditional way eliminate bad breath.

1. betel

Betel good tackle bad breath, then use to fight odor in the mouth. The way leaves are then washed in water use seized about 1.5 cups. After that, allow unregistered boiling water turns cold, and use it to rinse after brushing your teeth.

2. clove

Take about 3 or 5 cloves of interest. Then pour in enough water and boil for about 5 minutes. After that, allow to cool, and boiled water you use for rinsing.

How common eliminate bad breath.

1. Toothbrush.

Diligent toothbrush of course, make sure you brush your teeth clean and evenly. Brush the tongue are also at least 2 times a day, to clean food debris and bacteria are still attached.

2. Clean the mouth by gargling after meals.

After eating do not forget to clean your teeth, as this is very important as a toothbrush. Moreover, it can reduce tooth decay. For example, by rinsing.

3. The mouth is always wet.

Dry mouth in addition to making the odor also trigger the development of bacteria in the mouth. So make sure that your mouth is always alkaline. Drink water or chew gum, thereby stimulating the production of saliva and oral moisture, also remove the bacteria.

And no less important is to make sure you eat healthy besides bad breath does not make the amount of food left over and stuck.

That is the traditional way and generally eliminate bad breath.

How to Eliminate Fur Foot and Hand Natural

Fur leg for a man is a sign of virility, but some are not like to have fur. It may feel uncomfortable in the presence of feathers. If the first leg of my friends told me that his name did not have fur leg "table", table legs because it does not have feathers, indeed it's been so they say.

For men who have sex disorders as a "sissy", usually do not want the legs and hands. Probably because he wanted to as closely as possible with the girls. Most of the girls did not have feathers on the feet and hands, even though there are one or two girls have fur. Said the girl had feathers on the feet and hands is a sexy girl. But if the girl had feathers, fur certainly fine, no long-term such as fur leg man, I can not imagine if fur such as fur leg man.

Legs and arms can be removed in several ways from free to paid ways. Hair Removal feet and hands were missing that there are two kinds of temporarily and permanently lost. Who wish to remove their feathers usually have all lost permanently let ngak growing again at a later time.

In heru blog article this time will give way to remove the hair legs naturally and certainly do not spend a lot of money. Below is how:

Materials - materials needed:

-Only a few grains of pepper
-Camphor or camphor taste, and
-Only a few drops of kerosene.

How life:

-Tumbuklah pepper and camphor until smooth, if it is really smooth and then mixing them with a few drops of oil and mix until evenly distributed.
-Then apply on the feet and hands were covered with feathers evenly. By using this method legs and arms will fall off by itself.

Another way:

1. Dampen with water Warm Feet
Wet your feet in warm water first so that the pores open. Use shaving cream or conditioner to hair rubbed into the feet, legs useless to prevent skin irritation and facilitate ter legs elevated.

2. Cukurlah from the Bottom to the Top Foot
To let sempurana shave technique, cukurlah legs opposite direction of the growth of the razor from the bottom up.

3. Should Razor Sharp
Use a new razor, do not use a blunt razor as it can harm your skin. In addition, the results were less than the maximum.

4. soybean
Soy contains phytoestrogens are known, where these substances work like estrogen. The hormone estrogen can inhibit testosterone, which made ​​the hairs do not grow quickly. Therefore, if you want hair does not grow, consume soy is a good choice.

How to Shrink Stomach Naturally Buncit

You're looking for a way Buncit Shrinks Stomach Naturally. You do not need drugs to Shrink Stomach Buncit. Shrinks Stomach Buncit for some people is very important, because it will affect the appearance and self-confidence. You can do a Quick Way to Decrease Stomach Buncit follow the tips below:

1. Lie down with a pillow using the pad on your head. With a straight arm position beside the body limp.

2. Make arrangements breath without a count, tips: use the breath from your nose and out through your mouth to get rid of dirty air in the lungs.

3. Once you find the point you are relaxed, as relaxed point in every person is different because it depends on the level of kestresan for every person.

4. Raise your legs as high as 30 cm with one breath count 1 × 8 (tips: do this move until you are not burdened with the legs elevated as high as 10 cm)

5. After the count is completed turunakn by releasing the breath by using mouth.

6. The second movement, like the first movement, but the coupled lift your head, with one breath count of 1 × 8, after using the breath down and dispose of the mouth. (Tips: use this movement until you do not vibrate when you perform this movement, this movement also helps you in toning the abdominal muscles and the abdominal wall.

7. After you warm up using the first movement and the second movement. Time for us to get in on the core.

8. At the core of the movement is how to breathe with the first and second movements, but at the core of the movement is no cessation. Counts were made just two, the drag and relax.

9. His movements that pull the head and feet with a focus on the stomach, i dibareng to pull one breath. with a count of drag.

10. The second movement is turukan head and feet with a focus on the abdomen, with discharge dibareng i breath a blast, with a count of relaxing it.

11. And count as follows relax, pull, relax, pull, relax, pull, relax, pull, relax, and relax your stomach.

12. Repeat the above until you feel your stomach start to tighten. (Tips: do this move 10 minutes every day)

13. After you make a move in order mengecangkan abdominal muscles and get rid of fat on the belly, it's time to do the cooling down movements bdan prone position, hands above the head and pull the head and legs with no load to pull your abdominal muscles. So it is not too tense after doing this exercise.

Good tips How to Shrink Stomach Naturally Buncit helpful for you. Do it routinely and regularly so that you get maximum results.

How to Naturally Overcome Sore Throat

THROAT you sick? Although this pain often indicates the presence of diseases such as flu, fever, tonsillitis, or swollen glands, you do not have to directly consume drugs. You can speed up healing with some natural treatment ingredients such as turmeric, lemon or coconut oil.

Diseases that cause swallowing disorders are usually caused by bacterial or viral infections, irritation of the throat mucus membranes due to dust, smoke, toothpaste or gum infections, chronic coughing, and talking loudly for a long time. Do not let the pain of a protracted, here are some natural remedies that you can try:

1. Gargling with turmeric and salt water
Combine 1/4 teaspoon turmeric and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.

2. Drinking lemon juice without sugar
Combine 2 tablespoons lemon juice (juice of 1/2 lemon) into a glass of warm water. Avoid adding sugar. Drink 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach in the state (about 30-60 minutes before meals).

This method is believed to relieve pain and irritation in the throat. This fluid will also clean the stomach and soothe the intestines. Lemon is rich in vitamin C and other minerals that are alkaline. Do not worry about the acid taste. Contrary to common belief, lemon acid levels did not increase, even cure excessive acid levels.

When it reaches the stomach, the effect will relieve excess acid alkali. Lemon will be more efficacious if taken when the stomach is empty in the state. Avoid lemon drink after a meal because it can increase stomach acid.

3. Apply coconut oil
Coconut oil is a natural antimicrobial. This oil can kill all kinds of pathogenic organisms when consumed or applied to the body. Warm 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil then pijatkan to the body once or twice a day. Besides, it can also be used when cooking. Coconut oil is a source of energy for the body.

4. Avoid sugar and all processed foods
Sugar weakens the immune system and aggravate the disease. Therefore, it is better avoided. Processed foods that contain refined carbohydrates, trans fats, additives that are harmful to health also has the same effect. So, it is better to avoid them.

5. Accelerate recovery with lemon and vegetable juices
The body spends quite a lot of energy to digest food. Therefore, you should avoid heavy foods and replace them with soup, vegetable juice or lemon without sugar. That way the body can store more energy and use it to fight the disease. Type of fasting diet as this will speed up the recovery.